

                                Miss Amanda &  Miss Lisa
                                            Room #5



Dear Family,                             
     Our integrated preschool philosophy incorporates all 8 domains of the Rhode Island Early Learning Standards. (Approaches to Learning, Social/Emotional Development, Language Development and Communication, Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Creativity, and Physical Health and Development)

Ø  Approaches to Learning:  The children’s goals for Approaches to Learning will be met by the children being exposed to a variety of Learning Centers within their classroom. Peer interactions allow the children to realize that there are different solutions to every problem. They can learn by trial and error, compromise, and understanding things from another’s perspective.

Ø  Social/Emotional Development:  The greatest factor in attaining the goals for Social and Emotional Development is by having the classroom teachers’ act as role models to the children. When there is a disagreement between students, the teacher will model appropriate dialogue to resolve the matter. With this modeling taking place, language and communication skills also develop. The children learn that by communicating their feelings is more beneficial than using non-verbal language.  When children feel like they are accepted for whom they are and what they can do, then each child will have the confidence to take risks, feel good about him or herself, and respect their peers.

Ø  Language Development and Communication:  Development of Language and Communication occurs everyday in a child’s life in many areas. Children are constantly listening and responding with peers during Circle Time, Learning Center Time, Snack Time and Outdoor Playtime. The teacher will prompt students to elaborate on ideas in order for them to expand their verbal skills.

Ø  Literacy:  Early writing will encompass inventive spelling and learning to recognize and write their names by repetition. Early reading will focus on letter recognition, letter sounds and rhyming words. The children will listen to stories, fingerplays and songs in order to enhance the importance of reading.

Ø  Mathematics & Science:  Children will become aware that Math and Science are a part of their everyday life. The children will use several different types of manipulatives for one − to − one correspondence, sorting, classifying, and categorizing. For Circle Time, the children will learn patterns, learn basic shapes and number recognition by using the calendar. Science is also integrated in the calendar with discussions focusing on the Seasons and weather patterns. They will understand that different clothing and accessories are necessary for each season for they will have opportunities to dress our weather frog.

Ø  Creativity:   Creativity is always welcomed in the classroom. There are no set outcomes of what a project should look like or a particular way it needs to be constructed. Learning takes place through process not product. The children are free to use the materials in unconventional ways. Music will be part of Circle Time with our daily songs, poems and free dance as part of transition time.

Ø  Physical Health and Development:  The children will learn about Physical Health and Development by developing their Gross and Fine Motor Skills by using the playground on a daily basis and manipulatives such as stringing beads, finger painting, working on cutting skills, coloring, puzzles and playing games. Also, snack time provides a good opportunity to illustrate for the children the importance of proper hygiene and have them cultivate their self sufficient skills. 

Lastly, please don't hesitate to call, write, or e-mail me with any questions or concerns throughout the year.  I am looking forward to working with your child and encourage you to be an active participant in your child's education! Communication between home and school is an important ingredient in assisting your child to reach his/her potential!  [email protected]


Friendly Reminder- We are a peanut-free classroom!!!